Thursday 11 July 2019

It has been noted that the electorates and common people are now furious about those M.L.A’s who has been  defecting from one party to another  in a massive way. . Now a days   in many places in Karnataka and Goa, the electorates are now marching towards the houses of those M.L.A’s who have defected from their respective parties recently without carrying any flag.  While marching towards their houses, they are telling that we have given you votes because you have contested from a party and their principles that we have likes.  Since we have given you votes for representing our party which we likes, you have no right to defect from the same for the sake of getting huge financial and political advantage. 
Now it is highly required that the people and electorates should come out and start relentless agitation against those MLA who have been cheating the faith of the electorates who have casted their valuable votes for the defected MLA. 
Now it has been becoming a curse for Indian democracy that those who are having political, muscle and financial power, they can grab  the power easily by using these powers and cheat the electorates, political parties and murder Indian democracy.
As there is a loop hole in the Indian electoral law regarding the anti defection  system, massive agitation against the defecting MLA’s are the only solution to discourage the defection in future.

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Lack of rain in Kerala, Karnataka and action required

Almost one month is over ever since monsoon season has started in Kerala and Karnataka.  But unfortunately this year there is no much rain as predicted earlier and it supposed to be.  Nobody knows the real reason for the same yet, but the general reason is obvious infront of us at all times.
For the past few decades, in the name of urbanisation, real estate mafia with the support of some scrupulous politicians and officials had been ruthlessly destroying hundred thousands of trees from the land as well as  from the hills.  Apart from that in many places hills are being destroyed for quarrying purposes.  Nobody is now bothered about how this massive destruction is going to affect our environment.  There is no clear cut plan for the tree plantation in place of the destructed and removed trees. 
Because of de rooting the  trees and destructing the hills in a massive way, the nature is now punishing the human being by showering lesser rain during the monsoon season that is now causing shortage of water and excessive heat in many parts of the country during the period from  April to May.

To sort out this problem once and for all, we have to encourage tree plantation from the grass root level itself. To achieve the same we have to learn from Philippines government. Recently Philippines government enacted a law which is clearly stipulating that before the graduation, each  graduation student supposed to plant minimum 10 trees either in their  land or in a public area.  Then only they are eligible for the graduation.  The same system supposed to be introduced in India as well and I am sure that our students are willingly plant more than 10 plants if it makes it compulsory before graduation.  This will not only encourage students but also younger generation and elders as well to create our country one of the best greenest countries in the world in future.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Present U.S; and India diplomatic relationshiip

It has been noted that India is once again talking tough with U.S. and their visiting U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo regarding the trade and defence relationship between  U.S. and India. During the meeting with Pompeo, Indian external Minister Jayashankar has categorically stated that India had been having decade long diplomatic and strategic relationship with various countries and that will continue regardless concerning about United States of America and their unilateral economic sanction  imposed on certain countries for their vested interest. He further told him that It is India, NOT U.S. to decide from whom we have to purchase defence armaments and flatly rejected American threat regarding India’s decision to purchase S-400 Missile Air defence from Russia.
Regarding the Trade front, few months back U.S. has imposed additional tariff on India’s  various items exporting to U.S.  The same way India also taken tit for tat action to impose more tariff on 9 important item importing from U.S. to India. Upon imposing the tariff hike on U.S. Items, U.S. President is now telling that India’s decision is unacceptable and it should be withdrawn immediately.
It means  U.S. can do whatever they wanted to do harm others interest, and others can’t do anything against U.S. interest.   America must understand that those days are elapsed, they can dictate the terms on country like India.  India will not care America or any other country to dictate the term on India.  India is a country that has been growing fast and this country has been widely accepted by entire countries in the world.  Now a days everybody wanted to do business with India because India is a most trusted country in the world.
Hence, it is better for U.S. regime to do the trade in a normal manner rather than threatening India regarding trade and defence related issues.